Texas My Medicaid Matters – March and Rally

Thanks to Bee Morehead of Texas Impact for presenting our Valentine’s Day program.  There are many Texas issues that concern people of faith.  Bee encouraged us to stay informed and contact our Legislators to express our concerns. Here is one of the issues that is of interest:

Medicaid Expansion

Texas ranks first among states in its share of uninsured residents, at 23.8 percent in 2011 – more than 6 million people- compared with a national average of 15.7 percent.

Under the Affordable Care Act, Texas could cover adults aged 18-64 whose incomes are below 138% of the federal poverty level ($15,415 for a single adult and $31,809 for a family of four.  The federal government would pay 100 percent for the first three years and 90% of the cost of coverage in future years.  Read the Smart, Affordable and Fair publication by Texas Impact and Methodist Healthcare Ministries at http://texasimpact.org/2013-Medicaid-Expansion-Report

Governor Perry has stated that Texas will reject the Medicaid expansion provision of federal health reform.  If you are passionate about this, here is something that you can do.

Texas My Medicaid Matters – March and Rally

Tuesday, March 5 – 10:00 am – South Side of Congress Bridge

10:00 a.m. – People begin gathering for march & rally on the south side of the Congress bridge.

10:45 a.m. – March begins.

11:30 a.m. – Rally on the south steps of the state Capitol

March 5, 2013, Texans will gather at the Capitol to support Medicaid and call on state leaders to make real investments in the health and wellbeing of all Texans. We need your help to send a message to the legislature and state leadership that Medicaid is essential to the health and well being of millions of Texans.

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