News from the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

The State of Texas has not scheduled any executions this month, but six executions currently are scheduled to take place in April, including Kimberly McCarthy, whose execution date was moved from January 29 to April 3. Please stay tuned to TCADP for more information and any action requests regarding these cases.
Texas Legislator Calls for Abolition of the Death Penalty!

On Friday, February 22, 2013, State Representative Jessica Farrar (D-Houston) filed House Bill 1703, which calls for repeal of the Texas death penalty. The bill will be referred to the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee, where we aim to secure a full hearing.

dome2_1024What’s next?

1. Please call or email Rep. Farrar to thank her for her leadership on this issue and for filing HB 1703. Email her at or call her Capitol office at 512-463-0620.

2. Please join us at the State Capitol on Tuesday, March 19th for the TCADP Lobby Day! Training and instructions for the day will take place from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. We will work with you in advance to arrange visits with your legislators.

Sign up for the TCADP Lobby Day now!

Can’t join us in Austin? You can participate in Lobby Day from home!  Suggested actions, information on contacting your lawmakers, and an issue brief for HB 1703 are available here.

Abolition Efforts Move Forward in Maryland

Meanwhile, our colleagues in Maryland are on the cusp of Senate vote on repealing the death penalty; their bill cleared an extremely difficult hurdle on February 21, when the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee vote 6-5 in favor of abolishing the death penalty (this particular committee has blocked previous efforts).  The bill now heads to the Senate Floor, where it is being debated! There are now 26 senators who are either co-sponsoring the repeal bill or who have said in interviews that they plan to support it (in the Maryland Senate, 24 votes are required to pass a bill).  It has 68 co-sponsors in the House of Delegates!


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