November Meeting – Virtual (Zoom) Discussion:Report on South Central Jurisdictional Conference

The November meeting of the Rio Texas MFSA will take place virtually on Thursday, November 10 beginning at 7:00pm CST. 

Our program will focus on the outcome of the South Central Jurisdictional Conference, which occurred in Houston last week.  Our chapter co-president – Pat Stewart – was a delegate to Jurisdictional Conference and will report on the results.  In addition, Jay Brim, the Rio Texas Conference Chancellor, will share his insights.  Additional clergy delegates have been invited to participate in this discussion, and the meeting is certain to be informative and interesting.

Pat wrote this about the election of Bishops:

“Today was a red letter day for the Jurisdictional Conference.  On the first day, three bishops were elected.  One was our DS Laura Merrill, one was the first African American woman, and the third was the first ever Native American.  I believe the South Central Jurisdiction made a little history today.”

Please join us. All are welcome!

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