November Meeting: The Poor People’s Campaign Themes

Our Rio Texas MFSA Zoom meeting on Thursday, November 11 will focus on the Poor People’s Campaign, and will be led by Pat Stewart.

In 2018, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival released its Poor People’s Moral Agenda & Declaration of Fundamental Rights.  Its demands address systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and a distorted moral narrative that keeps these systemic injustices intact.  The connections between these five themes are why we must continue to build power among the 140 million poor & dispossessed of this nation.  Fight poverty, not the poor.

Join us at the Rio Texas MFSA meeting to discuss these five themes.  We will also view a short video on William Barber, one of the founders of the Poor People’s Campaign.  This will be followed by an exchange of ideas on the topic of what being poor means in Texas.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.  Please join us!

To Join the Zoom Meeting:

Texas Impact

All Hands on Deck for Democracy Training Events

It’s never been more important for faith communities to provide nonpartisan election leadership! Texas Impact is teaming up with our member faith communities to ensure that every eligible Texan can vote in free and fair elections in 2022. Learn how you and your congregation can:

  • Register and resource voters
  • Assist vulnerable voters with vote-by-mail applications
  • Volunteer to work the polls

Register for Upcoming All Hands on Deck Training

In Dallas or Zoom

November 13 @ 9:00 AM

White Rock United Methodist Church, 1450 Old Gate Ln, Dallas, TX 75218


iACT’s 37th Annual Interfaith Day of Thanks Service & Celebration

November 21, 2021


Hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

Virtual Online Event – Free, All Are Welcome

Register Online:

Save the Date:  2022 Annual Conference

The AC Design Team is hard at work planning an event that will offer delegates and guests a unique glimpse and experience of the tremendous mission and ministry of the Rio Grande Valley! Watch for more information regarding registration, child-care, hotels, and preliminary schedule of events, community gathering, celebrations, missional experiences and business.

Any questions? Contact Rev. Diana K Phillips, Rio Texas Conference Director of Connectional Ministries

From Reconciling Ministries Network

Sign “A Call to Grace”

Over 1,100 United Methodists from around the world have already signed a letter calling upon the Church to provide a pastoral response to the COVID-19 pandemic and calling upon bishops and annual conferences to help churches that long-ago expressed their desire to leave The UMC to utilize the legislative mechanisms open to them right now.

To read the letter and add your signature, click below.

Read & Sign A Call to Grace